May 12, 2010

Nikki Benz to Dance in Memphis

Feature dancer extraordinaire Nikki Benz will be heading to Memphis, Tenessee for a rare five night dancing appearance. She will be appearing at Christie's Cabaret from June 15th to June 19th.

Christie's Cabaret is located at...

3659 S. Mendenhall
Memphis, TN

Don't miss your chance to meet Nikki live in person, get an autographed picture or other goodies.


  1. Can't wait to see her again. Saw her show in Little Rock last year.

  2. Less than a week away!!! Mid-South Benz Mafia members are Nuthin to Play With when Nikki Brings Em Out!!!

  3. What a great show!!! Stayed for both shows last night, and Nikki didn't disappoint!!! If she comes to a club near you, you simply can't miss the opportunity to see her perform. She tears it up on stage.
