Round 1 started on Jan 1, 2010 and ended on Jan 31, 2010 with the field of contestants narrowed from nearly 200 to the top 50. Round 2 will determine the top 20 ladies that will carry on to round 3, which begins on March 1st, 2010.
During the month of February, fans can vote for 5 different ladies per day. To vote for Nikki Benz please go to http://www.votenikkibenz.com
Fans who leave their My FreeOnes user name may win a chance for a trip for 2 to Los Angeles, California where they will receive VIP tickets to the awards party. For full terms of the Miss FreeOnes contest visit http://www.missfreeones.com/terms.html
Follow The NikkiBenzFanClub on twitter @nikkibenzclub